Japanese Oyakodon (Chicken & Egg Bowl)


In Japanese, “oyako” means “parent and child” and “don” is a word for rice bowl — so the translation for one of the ultimate Japanese comfort foods of chicken and egg is indeed, “parent & child rice bowl”…don’t let the name of this bowl deter you, though! I promise once you take a bite, it will become a regular weekly lunch or dinner option! The soft egg with the chicken in the dashi flavoring will keep you wanting to make this easy, yet satisfying dish again and again.

Which comes first: the chicken or the egg?!

There actually is an answer in this case — the chicken! The hardest part of this dish is cutting the chicken and onions — that’s it! Once that is over, mix together your dashi base ingredients and you’re ready to cook it all together. If you don’t have access to dashi powder, feel free to use chicken stock powder.

The starch you use to coat the chicken helps to prevent the chicken from becoming too dry. It will also make the dashi flavor stick to the chicken when simmering it in the dashi base.

The egg! The MVP!

Pro-tip: Make sure to only cook the eggs just enough that the edges are solid, but still runny! This helps the egg coat the chicken, onions and rice which eat bite!

Lastly, adding green onions as a garnish not only makes the dish look fancier, but the green onion flavor is crucial to this oyakodon! If you don’t have any green onions, feel free to add chives, or even seaweed.

Time to itadakimas while it’s still hot!

Oyakodon (Japanese Chicken & Egg Bowl) 親子丼

The ultimate Japanese comfort food that translates to "parent-child bowl"…get it? The chicken and the egg? A little morbid but the flavor will NOT disappoint!
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Japanese
Servings 2 servings


  • 1 chicken breast
  • ½ tbsp corn starch to coat the chicken
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ onion
  • cooked rice
  • green onion (for garnish)


  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp mirin
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
  • 1-2 tsp dashi powder (or chicken broth powder if you don't have dashi powder)
  • cup water


  • Slice your onion the long way into 2cm slices
  • Cut your chicken breast into bite sized pieces and then lightly coat with cornstarch (doesn’t matter how much, just enough that it’s lightly coated)
  • In a medium sized pan, mix together your dashi base ingredients and let that come to a simmer.
  • Put in your chicken and onion and let that cook through (usually 5-7 minutes)
  • Once your chicken and onion is cooked through, pour in your egg evenly across your pan
  • Once your egg is cooked arounds the edges, put the lid on, turn off the heat and let it cook through for another 2-3 minutes.
  • Scoop the chicken and egg on your rice and add green onions on top.
  • Itadakimas!


  • Potato starch instead of corn starch
  • Tamari instead of soy sauce
  • Chives instead of green onion
Keyword Chicken, Chicken and Egg, Easy Japanese food, Egg, Japanese food, Oyakodon, Rice, Rice bowl, Savory, Soy sauce

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