Japanese Purin Cake プリンケーキ


If there is one dessert that has captured my heart, it’s this Japanese Purin Cake!

Known for its delicate layers of caramel, custard, and fluffy cake, this dessert has become a sensation not just in Japan but also in other countries where similar desserts like leche flan are loved. A year ago, I shared a video of this cake on my Instagram, and to my surprise, it went viral! Since then, countless people have recreated this stunning treat, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to see it enjoyed by so many.

What makes this cake so special…

This cake has two distinct layers: the creamy pudding layer with the signature caramel on top, and the soft sponge cake that soaks in all the caramel goodness. While the recipe itself is straightforward, there are specific steps that must be followed to ensure these beautiful layers form perfectly. So, let’s get baking!

When you make this recipe, don’t forget to tag me @takahasheats so I can see your creations. I’m always excited to see how this dessert turns out in your kitchens around the world!


Caramel Layer:

Purin Layer:

Cake Layer:

Tips & Important Points






このレシピを作ったら、ぜひ @takahasheats をタグ付けしてください。あなたのキッチンでこのデザートがどのように仕上がるかを見るのがいつも楽しみです!

A Japanese purin cake that is similar to a leche flan on a plate with a pool of caramel on the bottom. The cake has 2 layers with a purin layer with a caramel sauce on top with a sponge cake layer on the bottom.






Japanese Purin Cake プリンケーキ

A custard-y soft purin layer on top on a fluffy sponge cake that soaks in all the caramel for a decadent but simply delicious dessert! It's simple and yet so beautiful and a crowd-pleaser dessert!
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Course Brunch, Dessert
Cuisine Japanese, Japanese Fusion
Servings 15 cm cake


  • 15cm cake pan ケーキ型 *Be sure it does not separate! 底が抜けない型にして下さい!



  • 4 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp boiling water


  • 500 ml whole milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 110 g granulated sugar (~1/2 cup)
  • 6 eggs (2 full eggs and 4 egg yolks)


  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 20 g cake flour (heaping tbsp but I would HIGHLY recommend using a scale)
  • 1 tbsp neutral oil (rice oil, avocado oil, canola oil, etc.)


  • 4 大さじ 砂糖
  • 1 大さじ
  • 1 大さじ 熱湯


  • 500 ml 牛乳
  • 110 g 砂糖 (約1/2カップ)
  • 6 (全卵2個+卵黄4個)
  • 1 小さじ バニラビーンズペースト


  • 1
  • 1 大さじ 砂糖
  • 20 g 薄力粉 (大さじ山盛り1杯、スケールで計量することを強くおすすめします)
  • 1 大さじ 無味無臭の油 (米油、アボカド油、キャノーラ油など)


Caramel Layer

  • Prepare a bit of boiling water in a microwave or an electronic kettle on the side (you only need 1 tbsp).
  • Melt your granulated sugar and water together and heat it in a pot on medium heat.
  • Don’t touch your pot until all of the sugar is melted and starts bubbling. If your sugar mixture starts to brown slightly around the edges, lift up your pot and move it in a circular motion to get the mixture evened out. As your caramel mixture deepens in color, continue to lift up the pot and move it in a circular motion to make sure your caramel coloring is even throughout.
  • Once your caramel is a deep amber color, CAREFULLY add in your boiling water (USE A NET OR STEP AWAY FROM THE PAN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN BECAUSE THIS WILL CRACKLE AND BOIL!!)
  • Mix together the caramel mixture and pour it into your 15cm cake pan. QUICKLY spread your caramel layer across the bottom of the pan evenly before it hardens! Let that cool while you prepare your purin and cake batter.
  • Preheat your oven to 170C or 335F (if your oven takes a long time to preheat, you may have to start preheating your oven before you start making the caramel layer).

Purin Layer

  • In a clean pot, add the milk, vanilla and half of the sugar mixture and heat on low for a few minutes just until you see it start to gently steam (don’t overheat this milk mixture or else you will get a skin on top!) Turn off the heat once your milk mixture is warm.
  • In a large bowl, GENTLY mix together the 2 full eggs, 4 egg yolks and the other half of the sugar with a whisk.
  • Add the milk mixture into the egg mixture 1/4 at a time and quickly (BUT GENTLY) mix together to prevent the milk from cooking the eggs. Set aside this purin mixture while you prepare your cake layer.
  • Begin heating a pot of water to use for your water bath later (when baking the cake).

Cake Layer

  • To make the cake batter, mix together the egg and sugar and whip it up with an electronic mixer (or a stand mixer) until you get a pastel colored fluffy egg mixture.
  • Sift in the cake flour and gently fold it into your egg mixture with a spatula just until the flour mixture is about to be fully incorporated.
  • Drizzle in the neutral oil and gently fold it into the batter just until it is evenly mixed — don’t overmix!
  • To assemble the cake, pour the purin mixture through a sieve over the caramel layer. Then pour the cake layer on top of the purin layer gently — this cake batter is very fluffy which is why it will float on top of the purin mixture!

Baking the cake

  • Prepare your water bath by pouring hot water in a shallow pan and place your cake pan in the shallow water with a paper towel underneath (cover the bottom of your cake pan with aluminum foil if you are worried about water getting into your cake pan)
  • Bake your cake for 50 to 55 minutes until the top of your cake is golden brown — if your oven is strong, it may bake the top too quickly and you may need to cover your cake in aluminum foil so keep an eye on it for the last 5-10 minutes!
  • Remove your cake gently from the water bath once it’s done baking and let it cool on a heat-safe surface for at least 30 minutes at room temperature or until it is safe to touch and place in the fridge overnight. If you want to speed up the process, you can place it in a shallow ice bath until it is ready to be placed in the fridge.
  • Once your cake has rested in the fridge for at least 10 hours or overnight if possible, it’s ready to eat!
  • Run a thin spatula between the cake and the mold to separate it and make the cake flip out easier in the next step.
  • Place a large plate on top of the cake pan and swiftly flip it over onto the cake (be quick when you flip it because it’s a soft cake!) Gently lift the cake pan off and see the caramel drizzle off and soak into the cake.
  • Cut into the cake and enjoy! Itadakimas!


  • 電気ケトルで沸騰したお湯を用意しておきます、量は大さじ1あれば十分です。
  • グラニュー糖と水を鍋に入れ、中火で加熱しながら一緒に溶かします。
  • 鍋の中の砂糖が完全に溶けて泡立ち始めるまで触らないでください。もし砂糖が溶けてから周りが少し茶色くなり始めたら、鍋を持ち上げ、円を描くように動かして色を均一にします。カラメルの色が深くなるにつれて、鍋を持ち上げて円を描くように動かし、カラメルの色を均一にします。
  • カラメルが濃い琥珀色になったら、注意深く沸騰したお湯を加えます(ネットを使うか、鍋からできるだけ離れてください!この際に跳ねて沸騰するので非常に注意が必要です!)
  • カラメルを混ぜ合わせたら、15cmのケーキ型に流し込みます。固まる前に素早くカラメル層を型の底に均一に広げます。プリン液とケーキ生地を準備している間、冷ましておきます。
  • オーブンを170℃または335°Fに予熱します(オーブンの予熱に時間がかかる場合は、カラメル層を作る前に予熱を始めてください)。


  • 綺麗な鍋に牛乳、バニラ、砂糖の半量を入れ、弱火で数分間加熱します。表面が軽く蒸気を立てるくらいまで温めます(加熱しすぎると表面に膜ができてしまうので注意!)温かくなったら火を止めます。
  • 大きなボウルに全卵2個、卵黄4個、残りの砂糖を泡立て器で優しく混ぜます。
  • 牛乳の混合物を卵液に1/4ずつ加え、その都度素早く(でも優しく)混ぜて、牛乳が卵を調理しないようにします。このプリン液を置いておき、次にケーキ生地を準備します。
  • 後で使う湯煎用のお湯を鍋で加熱し始めます。


  • ケーキ生地を作るために、卵と砂糖を混ぜ、泡立て器(またはスタンドミキサー)で淡い色のふんわりとした状態になるまで泡立てます。
  • 薄力粉をふるいにかけて加え、ゴムベラで優しく折り込むように混ぜます。
  • サラダ油を少しずつ加え、生地が均一になるまで優しく混ぜます(混ぜすぎないよう注意)。
  • ケーキ型のカラメル層の上にプリン液を濾しながら注ぎます。その上にケーキ生地を優しく流し入れます。このケーキ生地は非常にふんわりしているため、プリン液の上に浮かびます。


  • 浅い耐熱皿に熱湯を注ぎ、ケーキ型をその中に置きます(ケーキ型の底にアルミホイルを巻いて、水が入らないようにすると良いです)。
  • プリンケーキを50~55分間焼きます。ケーキの表面が黄金色になるまで焼いてください。オーブンが強すぎる場合は、ケーキの上にアルミホイルをかぶせて調整します。最後の5~10分は様子を見ながら焼いてください。
  • 焼き上がったケーキを湯煎から取り出し、耐熱の台に置いて少なくとも30分間常温で冷まします。その後、冷蔵庫に入れる前に浅い氷水で冷やしても良いです。ケーキを一晩冷蔵庫で冷やすか、少なくとも10時間冷やしてください。
  • ケーキと型の間に薄いヘラを入れて分けることで、次のステップでケーキをひっくり返しやすくなります。
  • ケーキが十分冷えたら、大きなお皿をケーキ型の上に置き、素早くひっくり返します。ケーキは柔らかいので素早く行ってください。ケーキ型を優しく持ち上げると、カラメルが滴り落ちてケーキに染み込む様子が見られます。
  • ケーキを切り分けて召し上がれ。いただきます!


When serving the cake, I recommend separating the cake from the mold using a thin spatula and run it around the edge to help the cake flip out easier!
Keyword Cake, Christmas Dessert, Easy Dessert, Japanese Dessert, Pudding, Purin, プリン, プリンケーキ

One response to “Japanese Purin Cake プリンケーキ”

  1. Pippa says:

    I haven’t even made this yet but I’m so hyped And I love that your recipes are in English AND Japanese so I can bully my husband into baking sweet things for my birthday

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