Bear and Rabbit Icebox Cookies くまとうさぎのアイスボックスクッキー


These cookies may be the peak of my baking career…I didn’t know I had it in me to make cookies this cute! I kept seeing it all over my Pinterest feed and I knew I wanted to try making them, but they always seemed so intimidating! I was pretty surprised at how easy this bunny and bear shape was to create. I promise even if you’re a beginner, you can make these cookies and impress everyone!

Icebox cookies got their name because refrigerators used to be called and “icebox” and you can store these cookies in the fridge/freezer until you’re ready to bake them. Also, “icebox cookies” sound cuter than “refrigerator cookies”.

Making these cookies have made opened up a dangerous door where I now want to make cookies of EVERYTHING. Imagine sunny side up cookies?! That would be PRECIOUS.

The hardest part of making these cookies is probably shaping them to make sure they are even as possible — but for those who played with Play-Doh as a kid, this will be easy peasy!

Here is my diagram I drew up for these cookies that will be a rough guide for when you make these cookies:

(Note: you may get a different weight for the cookies depending on how heavy your egg yolk is but if its generally the same weight ratio, you will still get a bear/rabbit shaped cookie!)

I used a piece of parchment paper and a scraper to shape the face pieces into 12cm long cylinders (check out my Instagram video to see how I did it).

For the bear cookies, I made 3 chocolate cylinders, but when attaching the ear pieces to the face piece, I carved out a little dent on either side where the ears should be so that the ears don’t roll off.

For the bunny cookies, press down the cylinder shapes to create the ears. I shaped the 10g chocolate piece between the ears into a long rectangle and pressed them between the two ear pieces.

Before baking the cookies:

After baking the cookies


Also, the diagram is looking at the cookies from the side so when you’re building your cookies, be sure to peak from the side to make sure it will look okay when you slice them.

If you ever get frustrated while trying to shape these cookies, let the dough cool in the freezer for 5 minutes and start again!

Tag me at @takahasheats on Instagram if you make these cookies! What cookie shapes should I make next?

Bear and Rabbit Icebox Cookies

TOO CUTE TO EAT is another name for these bear and rabbit icebox cookies! The chocolate and vanilla flavors are elevated by the butter flavors in this crispy cookie. If you keep the dough for these in the freezer, they will be ready to eat when that cookie craving hits.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 16 minutes
Resting Time 1 hour
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American, Japanese, Japanese Fusion



  • 100 g Unsalted butter bring to room temperature
  • 70 g Granulated sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Vanilla extract/vanilla bean paste
  • 150 g Cake flour
  • 5 g Cocoa powder


  • 100 g 無塩バター(室温に戻す)
  • 70 g グラニュー糖
  • 1 卵黄
  • バニラオイル・バニラビーンズペースト
  • 150 g 薄力粉
  • 5 g ココアパウダー



  • Whip the butter using an electric mixer until fluffier and a little lighter in color.
  • Add in the sugar and whip together with the butter.
  • Add the egg yolk and vanilla into the butter mixture and mix until just combined.
  • Sift in your cake flour and fold into the butter mixture.
  • Weigh your dough and put half into a separate bowl.
  • Sift in the cocoa powder into one of the bowls and mix until fully combined.
  • Measure out the dough in to the ear, face, outer layer and extra pieces (ex: chocolate square piece between the rabbit ears, bear snout piece).
  • Roll out the dough and shape into the bear and rabbit shapes (freeze for a bit before putting the outer layer on to make this next process earlier).
  • Roll out the outer layer into a 12cm by 14cm rectangle and wrap around the cookies.
  • Let the cookies rest in the freezer for 30 minutes or the fridge of 1-2 hours.
  • When you are ready to bake your cookies, preheat your oven to 170C or 340F.
  • Slice your cookies into 12 – 13 cookies and lay onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (if you have a Silpat that is grid-like and allows the butter to fall through, it makes a crispier cookie compared to baking it on parchment paper!)
  • Place black sesame seeds onto the cookies to create your desired facial expressions using a toothpick and a little water.
  • Bake the cookies for 16-18 minutes before the cookies get too brown.
  • Transfer the cookies onto a cooling rack and let it cool to room temperature.
  • Itadakimas!


  • 電動ミキサーを使ってバターをふわふわになり、少し色が軽くなるまで泡立てます。
  • 砂糖を加え、バターと一緒に泡立てます。
  • 卵黄とバニラをバターの混合物に加え、よく混ぜ合わせます。
  • ケーキ粉をふるい入れ、バターの混合物に折り込むように混ぜます。
  • 生地を計量し、半分を別のボウルに移します。
  • もう一つのボウルにココアパウダーをふるい入れ、完全に混ざるまで混ぜます。
  • 生地を耳、顔、外側の層、追加の部分(例:ウサギの耳の間のチョコレートの四角い部分、クマの鼻の部分)に分けます。
  • 生地を伸ばしてクマやウサギの形に整えます(次の工程をスムーズにするために、外側の層をつける前に少し冷凍しておくと良いです)。
  • 外側の層を12cm×14cmの長方形に伸ばし、クッキーの周りに巻きます。
  • クッキーを冷凍庫で30分、または冷蔵庫で1-2時間休ませます。
  • クッキーを焼く準備ができたら、オーブンを170℃(340℉)に予熱します。
  • クッキーを12-13枚にスライスし、クッキングシートを敷いたベーキングシートに並べます(シルパットを使うと、バターが落ちてよりカリッとしたクッキーが焼けます)。
  • 黒ゴマを使ってクッキーに顔の表情を作りたい形に配置し、つまようじと少しの水を使います。
  • クッキーが焦げすぎないように、16-18分焼きます。
  • クッキーを冷却ラックに移し、常温まで冷やします。
  • いただきます!
Keyword Cookies, Cute cookies, Shortbread Cookies, アイスボックスクッキー, クッキー, バタークッキー

2 responses to “Bear and Rabbit Icebox Cookies くまとうさぎのアイスボックスクッキー”

  1. Catherin Justin says:

    5 stars
    They were extremely delectable and extremely cute I felt bad eating them . Thank you .

    • linatakahashi says:

      Thank you so much for making them Catherin! So glad you liked them! I agree, they are almost too cute to eat!

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