Fig Daifuku Mochi いちじく大福


Fruit daifuku (fruit and anko wrapped in a thin mochi) might be the easiest but most decadent-looking dessert ever! Something about wrapping the fruit up in the soft and pillowy mochi is almost therapeutic.

Fig season might be my favorite because it means I get to make these fig daifuku mochi! While I was writing up this recipe, I was learning all about figs and how nutritious they are: they are a prebiotic which means it will eventually become a food source for your good gut bacteria, plus they contain a digestive enzyme called ficin. THIS is what I thought was SO cool!

The digestive enzyme is a protease enzyme which means it helps digest protein and turns it into amino acids. In this case, the digestive enzyme in figs helps break down the protein in the shiro-an — just naturally! FOOD IS SO COOL!!

I have been studying to get my food fermentation specialist license and would love to share more about the things I’m learning and food science if people are interested so let me know if this stuff interests you too 😉

Anyways, back to this fig daifuku.

Fruit daifuku is actually quite expensive in Japan, so here is my recipe for those who want to make it at home — OR if you don’t have easy access to daifuku where you live!

All you need is a microwave and a little bit of patience and you’re ready to make these adorable fig daifuku 🙂


SHIRO-AN: This sweetened white bean paste can be purchased online or you can also make it from scratch! I love using this recipe, but you can also use regular adzuki bean paste anko if it’s too hard to find shiro-an.

FIG: I recommend peeling your fig before wrapping it in shiro-an for a better texture when you bite into the mochi. When wrapping the anko, I like to spread a thin layer of shiro-an onto a piece of plastic wrap before placing the fig in the middle and folding up the sides (watch my video on Instagram if you want to see the step by step process). This helps the shiro-an not stick to your hands and it also helps to form it into a smooth circle.

MOCHI: Mochi is traditionally made by pounding freshly cooked sweet rice flour, but when making the thin mochi for a fruit daifuku, all you need is to heat “shiratamako” or glutinous rice flour, sugar and water.


I hope you get to try making these figs daifuku! I also love making this daifuku using different fruit like strawberries, mango, kiwi, too!

As always, tag me on social @takahahsheats if you make them and let me know if you have any questions 🙂 Itadakimas! <3

Fig Daifuku Mochi いちじく大福

Juicy fig and white anko wrapped in a soft mochi is my new favorite fig dessert!
Prep Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 2 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine Japanese
Servings 2 Daifuku Mochi



  • 2 figs
  • 2 tbsp white anko paste (20g)
  • 3 tbsp glutinous rice flour (40g)
  • 1.5 tbsp sugar (20g)
  • 3 tbsp water (50g)
  • 3 tbsp corn/potato starch
  • Floss/thread (to cut it in half)


  • 2 いちじく
  • 2 大さじ 白あん (20g)
  • 3 大さじ 白玉粉 (40g)
  • 1.5 大さじ 砂糖 (20g)
  • 3 大さじ (50g)
  • 3 大さじ コーンスターチまたは片栗粉
  • (切る時)



  • Cover the fig in a thin layer of white anko paste (I recommend using plastic wrap to thinly spread out the anko and place the fig in the center)
  • Mix together the sweet rice flour, sugar and water in a heat safe bowl.
  • Heat the mochi mixture in the microwave covered for 1 minute (**it will be hot so be careful!)
  • Mix the mochi and heat again in the microwave for 50 seconds.
  • Sprinkle enough cornstarch to cover a plate or cutting board to make sure the mochi does not stick to bottom.
  • Mix again after the mochi is fully cooked and place on top on the cornstarch.
  • Stretch the mochi into a big square and cut in half.
  • Wrap the anko/fig ball in the mochi and pinch the ends.
  • Place the bottom in more cornstarch if it’s sticky.
  • Eat immediately or store in the fridge by wrapping each daifuku in plastic wrap and enjoy later in the day ✨
  • Itadakimas!


  • いちじくを白あんの薄い層で覆います(あんこを薄く広げるためにラップを使い、いちじくを中央に置くのをお勧めします)
  • 上新粉、砂糖、水を耐熱ボウルに混ぜ合わせます
  • ボウルをラップで覆い、電子レンジで1分加熱します(熱いので注意してください!)
  • 一度混ぜてから、電子レンジでさらに50秒加熱します
  • コーンスターチを皿やまな板に十分に振りかけ、もちが底にくっつかないようにします
  • もちが完全に加熱されたら、再度混ぜてからコーンスターチの上に置きます
  • もちを大きな四角形に伸ばし、半分に切ります
  • あんこ/いちじくのボールをもちで包み、端をつまみます
  • もしもちがべたつく場合は、底面にさらにコーンスターチを振りかけます
  • すぐに食べるか、サランラップで包んで冷蔵庫で保管します。その日のうちに食べてください✨
  • いただきます!


The mochi will be the most soft on the day it was made — if you can’t eat it immediately, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and eat it within 24 hours to ensure freshness.
Keyword Daifuku, Dessert, Easy Dessert, Easy Japanese food, Fig, Fruit, Japanese food, Mochi, Wagashi, いちじく, 和菓子, 簡単デザート

2 responses to “Fig Daifuku Mochi いちじく大福”

  1. christine says:

    Hello! This looks so delicious, can’t wait to try. Thank you for sharing. I don’t have microwave, I assume it’s ok to heat on the stovetop?

    • linatakahashi says:

      Hi Christine! Thanks for asking — yes, you can make the mochi on your stovetop! I would make sure you keep mixing the mochi mixture because it will get thick pretty quickly. I recommend using a heat safe spatula because I’ve tried it with a wooden spatula and it was suuuuper sticky. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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