Miso Chive & Cheddar Scones 味噌とネギのチーズスコーン

Miso Chive and Cheddar Scones

Chive and cheddar scones are already a crowd-favorite, but how about adding MISO into the mix?! It makes it 1000x better if that is even possible! The saltiness from the cheese, the garlicky chive flavors and the umami bomb from the miso make these scones an irresistible snack. Are you ready to make them with me?!



Cake flour: I like using cake flour for my scones because it has a lower protein content than all-purpose flour which means you can get a fluffier scone! The more protein in the flour, the easier it is for the gluten to form. This is why bread flour which has the highest protein content is used to bake bread! By using cake flour, the scones will be more flakey and fluffy — yum!

Whole wheat flour: Personally, I love the flavor of whole wheat flour in my baked goods because it adds a nutty flavor into my scones, plus more fiber which is always a win. However, if you don’t like that flavor, feel free to substitute it with the same amount of cake flour (but at least try it once!)

Butter: The cheese and miso are already pretty salty which means using unsalted butter is crucial to avoid scones that are too salty! Be sure to keep the butter in the fridge until you’re about to use it to make sure it’s as cold as possible. You can even put it in the freezer for a bit if needed! Using cold butter in this recipe helps the butter from melting too much while you are kneading the dough, which will help to create the flakey layers.

Miso: I think white miso pairs the best with the cheddar and chives in this recipe, but if red miso is all you have, feel free to use that as well! Since it’s a savory scone recipe, the kind of miso won’t have too much of an impact.

Cheddar: I’ve made these with aged white cheddar, classic cheddar and other flavored cheddars and it was good every. single. time. which means you truly can’t go wrong with whatever cheese you use! I will say that with saltier cheeses, you may have to put in a little less miso. I like to cube the cheese in fairly bit chunks so that they melt and ooze out while baking and create the crispy cheese edges — absolutely the best part of baking with cheese, don’t you think?!

Milk: You can substitute regular milk for soy milk or almond milk, but I have found that regular milk enhances the buttery flavor of the scones (but it will still be good with whatever mylk substitute!).

When making this recipe…

I hope you love these scones as much as I do! If you don’t have chives, you can just make these as a miso and cheddar scone because I understand that chives go bad pretty quickly, but maybe that’s all the more reason to make these scones multiple times! Once you bake whole wheat scones, I don’t know if you’ll ever want scones with only normal flour. Just kidding, I’m sure you will, but I just mean these are THAT good! Let me know what you think if you make them — tag me on Instagram @takahasheats and send me pictures of any of the crispy cheese edges!

Miso Chive and Cheddar Scones

Miso Chive & Cheddar Scones

Miso and cheddar are two gut-friendly power ingredients that pair perfectly with chives in these buttery and flakey savory scones!
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 14 minutes
Course Breakfast, Brunch, Snack
Cuisine American, Japanese, Japanese Fusion
Servings 9 scones


  • 100 grams cake flour 薄力粉
  • 100 grams whole wheat flour 全粒粉
  • 8 grams baking powder ベーキングパウダー
  • 15 grams sugar 砂糖
  • Pinch of salt 塩ひとつまみ
  • 20 grams minced chives チァイブ、またはみじん切りの万能ネギ
  • 50 grams unsalted cold butter 冷たいバター
  • 1 tbsp white miso 白味噌大さじ1
  • 80 grams cheese cubed チーズ (角切り)
  • 1/2 tsp Black pepper optional 黒胡椒 (お好みで)
  • 80 grams milk + extra to brush on top before baking 牛乳 (焼く前に塗るための量も必要)


  • Preheat oven to 375F. オーブンを190 ℃に予熱する。
  • Sift together the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into a bowl. 粉類をボールにふるい合わせる。
  • Add the minced chives, cubed butter and white miso into the bowl and mix with your hands until you get a sand-like consistency. みじん切りにした万能ネギとバターの角切りと白味噌をボールにいれて、手を使って砂みなになるまで混ぜ合わせる。
  • Mix in the cubed cheese and slowly add in the milk in two parts. 角切りのチーズを加え、牛乳を2回に分けて少しずつ入れて混ぜる。
  • Knead the dough on a flat surface and layer the dough on top of itself a few times to create layers. 生地を台の上で混ぜて数回重ね合わせて層を作る。
  • Flatten into a rectangle and cut the dough into 9 squares. 長方形になるまで形を整えて、9当分に切る。
  • Brush with milk after placing the scones on a baking tray. スコーンを天板に乗せた後に上に薄く牛乳を塗る。
  • Bake for 35 minutes. 35分焼く。
  • Itadakimas! ✨ いただきます!✨


Store in an air-tight container for up to 3 days. Microwave for 10-15 seconds before eating.
Keyword Cheddar chive, Cheese, Chives, Easy breakfast, Gut-Friendly, Japanese fusion, Miso, Miso Recipes, Savory Scones, Scones

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