Black Sesame Walnut Meringue Cookies


I made this recipe from wanting to recreate these black sesame walnut meringue cookies that my friend got in Yamagata. It is crispy on the outside, fluffy and airy on the inside and the black sesame walnut add the most delicious toasty crunch!

My friend who is leaving Tokyo is OBSESSED with meringue cookies and I had to make them for her as a little parting gift :’). I kind of wish I made these for her earlier because I want her to try making different flavors of meringue cookies now — who knew they are so easy to make!

I love that I can make these with 1 egg white because I often have leftover egg whites after making custard or using an egg yolk in my natto (if you’ve never tried this combo, it is life changing!).


EGG WHITE: When you separate your egg yolk and white, be sure to avoid getting any egg yolk in in the egg white or else you won’t get a fluffy meringue. I have also found that letting my egg yolk come to room temperature helps to get a fluffier meringue faster.

SUGAR: I recommend using a fine caster sugar, but granulated sugar works fine if that’s all you have. Add your sugar 1 spoonful at a time to get the most smooth meringue that won’t deflate quickly.

CREAM OF TARTAR: This helps to stabilize your meringue! Cream of tartar make this recipe fool-proof.

VANILLA BEAN PASTE: I love using vanilla bean paste to get the vanilla bean specks in these cookies but vanilla oil or extract works fine if you just want the vanilla flavor — you may just not get as rich of a flavor.

SALT: Adding a little pinch of salt to desserts helps to enhance the sweetness!

BLACK SESAME: I added 1 tbsp because I think the more the better, but if you only want a little bit, feel free to add 1/2 tbsp.

WALNUTS: I used caramelized walnuts for these but feel free to use regular walnuts if that is all you have! Still will give these cookies a toasty flavor which is so delicious with the black sesame.

Black Sesame Walnut Meringue Cookies

Crispy and airy meringue cookies with black sesame and walnut inside make the perfect sweet and toasty dessert!
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Resting Time 2 hours
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American, Japanese, Japanese Fusion
Servings 20 Cookies (depending on the piped out size)


  • 1 egg white 卵白
  • 1/4 tsp cream of tartar クリームタータ
  • 40 g caster sugar 上白糖
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste バニラペースト
  • Pinch of salt 塩ひとつまみ
  • 1 tbsp black sesame 黒胡麻
  • 10-20 small walnut pieces 胡桃ピース


  • Preheat your oven to 95C (200F). オーブンを95度に予熱する。
  • Froth up your egg white with a hand mixer then add cream of tartar and whip up your egg white until you get soft peaks. 卵白を泡立て器で少し泡立ててからクリームタータを加えてメレンゲがお辞儀するまで泡立てる。
  • Add 1 spoonful of sugar at a time and whip up until you get stiff peaks. 砂糖をスプーン1杯ずつ混ぜ入れてツノが立つメレンゲになるまで泡立てる。
  • Add your pinch of salt and black sesame and mix until fully incorporated. 塩をひとつまみと黒胡麻を混ぜ入れる。
  • Use a spatula and put your batter into a piping bag with a star tip (circle is fine too if that is all you have!) スパテラを使って絞り袋に入れる。あれば、星の口金を使うと可愛いクッキーの形になります。
  • On your baking tray line with parchment paper, place walnut pieces across the baking tray and pipe the meringue on top of the walnuts. 天板にパーチメントを敷いて、胡桃ピースを並べる。胡桃の上にメレンゲを絞る。
  • Bake for 1 hour. 1時間焼く。
  • Once the hour has passed, turn off your oven and let it cool off/dry out for at least another 1-2 hours. 1時間経ったらオーブンを消して1−2時間天板をそのままクッキーをオーブンに入れておく。
  • The cookies should be light and easily peel off the parchment paper — itadakimas! 出来上がったクッキーは軽くてクッキングシートから簡単に剥がれます。いただきます!


Store in an air tight tupperware for up to a week.
Packaging them up in a clear bag with a bow makes a cute gift!
Tag me @takahasheats if you make them! 🙂
Keyword Black Sesame, Dessert, Easy Dessert, Meringue, Meringue Cookies, Walnut

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