Black Sesame & Hojicha Swirl Sable Shortbread Cookies


I make these cookies at least once a month because they are SO easy but look so fancy and taste delicious!

If you are not familiar with Hojicha, it’s a roasted green tea which gives it a more crispy flavor. It actually has less caffeine than matcha and is a great tea alternative to try if you aren’t a big fan of matcha.

I have made these cookies with just black sesame or just hojicha, but because they both have crispy and roasted flavor profiles, I decided to add them to the same cookie and now I will never go back!!

Another very important character in these cookies is the flaky sea salt that really ties in the sweetness and the roasted flavors!

If you are looking for your go-to dessert to bring to future dessert functions, these are the cookies for you 🙂

Let me know if you try making them! Tag me @takahasheats on Instagram or just send me a pic! <3

Black Sesame and Hojicha Sable Shortbread Cookies

Let's bake these buttery and crunchy black sesame and Hojicha sable cookies topped with flaky sea salt to tie together the crispy, sweet and salty flavors together!
4 from 2 votes
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American, French, Japanese, Japanese Fusion
Servings 18 Cookies




  • 75 g softened butter
  • 38 g sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 18 g egg white


  • 45 g AP flour
  • 1 tbsp black sesame seeds


  • 45 g AP flour
  • 1/2 tbsp hojicha powder


  • Flaky Sea Salt
  • Black sesame



  • 75 g バター(常温)
  • 38 g 砂糖
  • 1 小さじ バニラビーンペースト
  • 18 g 卵白


  • 45 g 薄力粉
  • 1 大さじ 黒ごま


  • 45 g 薄力粉
  • 1 大さじ ほうじ茶パウダー


  • 粗塩(フレーク状)
  • 黒胡麻



  • Preheat your oven to 350F/180C.
  • Soften your butter using a spatula or electric mixer.
  • Cream the sugar and butter together.
  • Mix in vanilla bean paste and egg white until it fully incorporates.
  • Add half the batter (about 65-70g) into a separate bowl.
  • Mix in [2] black sesame dry ingredients into one bowl and [3] Hojicha dry ingredients into the other bowl and mix each of the batters until the flour is fully incorporated.
  • Put both cookie batters into the same piping bag.
  • Pipe out the cookies (see original Instagram video) into a swirly S shape.
  • Sprinkle black sesame seeds on half and flakey salt on the other half the cookie.
  • Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the edges of your cookies are slightly golden brown.
  • Let the cookies cool to room temperature after baking them.
  • Itadakimas!


  • オーブンを350F/180Cに予熱します。
  • バターをスパチュラまたは電動ミキサーを使って柔らかくします。
  • 砂糖とバターをクリーム状になるまで混ぜます。
  • バニラビーンペーストと卵白を加え、完全に組み込みます。
  • 生地の半分(約65-70g)を別のボウルに移します。
  • [2]の黒ごまのドライ成分を一つのボウルに、[3]のほうじ茶のドライ成分をもう一つのボウルに加え、各生地が小麦粉が完全に組み込まれるまで混ぜます。
  • 両方のクッキー生地を同じ絞り袋に入れます。
  • クッキーを(元のInstagram動画を参照して)渦巻き状のS字に絞り出します。
  • 半分に黒ごまを、もう半分に粗塩を振りかけます。
  • クッキーが周囲が軽く金茶色になるまで、12-15分焼きます。
  • 焼きあがったら、クッキーを室温まで冷やします。
  • いただきます!


Store the cookies in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Enjoy them as fresh as possible 🙂
最大3日間クッキーを密閉容器に入れておくことができます。お早めに召し上がってください 🙂
Keyword Black Sesame, Cookies, Dessert, Flakey Salt, Hojicha, Japanese Cookies, Sable Cookies, Sable Genoise, Shortbread Cookies

4 responses to “Black Sesame & Hojicha Swirl Sable Shortbread Cookies”

  1. Mia says:

    4 stars
    Tastes good, but only managed to make 9 cookies?

    • linatakahashi says:

      Thank you for making the cookies, Mia! I think the number really depends on how many squiggles you pipe out but a smaller piping tip might help make more cookies! I usually get anywhere between 17-20 cookies and do about 4-5 squiggles.

  2. Crysta says:

    4 stars
    These were delicious and a hit at work! Not too sweet (the best asian compliment I can give). The only issue I ran into was the batter was too thick to get it through a piping bag. Any troubleshooting help?

    • linatakahashi says:

      Thank you so much for making them, Crysta! That is the BEST compliment!! I would suggest whipping your room temperature butter for a bit longer with the sugar to get it really nice and fluffy. This will help later when piping them out. The consistency can also sometimes change depending the type of butter and flour you use. Sometimes using cake flour may help to get a bit of a softer dough! Let me know if these helped and if not, I can help troubleshoot again 🙂

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